We Need You: Top 10 Troll Armies of All Time

KLONDIKE, Zing’s Office – With the current censorship running rampant in CPAM and CPOAL, with armies discriminated against due to their names, never has there been a better time to relook at some of the best and most influential troll armies of all time.

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Army Leaders Vote, Judging & Map Approved

KLONDIKE, CP Army Media Headquarters – Army leaders gathered in leaders chat yesterday to discuss potential overall changes to CPAM structure. After World War Rewritten, it was clear that a system without judges was hindering any progress armies would make in war or territory ownership. After multiple complaints and two days of meetings with army leaders, our staff would have a new judging system approved as well as a new CPAM map, revitalizing the old CPA one for present use. How will this new system work? Let’s find out!

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CPOAL Implodes Following Legal Disputes and Coup

KLONDIKE, Zing’s Office – The last couple of weeks have presented themselves as action packed and filled with updates in the ongoing CPOAL scandal. With updates streaming in at a constant rate, CPAM will now do the very best that we can do in order to explain the situation, and tell you what you need to know.

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Statement on the ‘CPAC 5’, and the future of CP Army Media

KLONDIKE, CP Army Media Headquarters: In a stunning turn of events yesterday, CPOAL removed several prominent members of its administration, the CPAC 5, from its staff. Due to the recent drama revolving around CPO and its league’s practices as well as the controversy around its future, the CPAC 5 took this all in their stride. Having already approached the CPAM Administration separately in the past, it didn’t take long for them to find a new home. The CPAC 5 will join the CPAM team in new staff roles, and CPAM’s coverage will expand to cover CPO Army news. We have taken this opportunity to reorganise our administration team as we look to a new and brighter era!

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CPAM: Up Till Now

Blizzard, CPAM HQ – As World War Rewritten comes to a close, CPAM would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the past few months since CPAM’s conception. In an effort to commemorate its growth and success, as well as to note down our history as it happens, the content of this article will detail everything that has brought CPAM to this point. We wish our readers an enjoyable time while reading this post.

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