CPA:TG Closing Statement; My View on the Future of Club Penguin Armies


I, Superhero123, am writing this post as a closing statement for CPA:TG, as well as an article about my view on the future of armies.

Over a month has passed since CP Armies: The Game shut down. I was meant to write this post way earlier, but the combination of thinking about what this post should contain and the lack of free time due to my exams period made it take a long while. In the following paragraphs, I will go through a few questions:


  • Why did CPA:TG close, and who is responsible for it?
  • Do I have another CPPS or game project planned for the future?
  • What is the future of army CPPSes?
  • How do you see the future of Club Penguin Armies?
  • What position are you, Superhero123, going to have in the army community?

Without further ado, let’s begin this journey.

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